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Finding Work-Life Balance

We all know how tough it can be to draw the line between personal and professional. There's always something to do, and it feels like we need to be available all the time. But it's really important to set some limits at work to keep ourselves healthy, happy and sane. Let's talk about techniques on work-life balance - when to say "yes" and how to politely say "no" at work.

Girl on a weighing scale indicating work-life balance

Why Do We Need Limits?

Think of limits at work like a fence around a garden. They protect the things that matter most: our time, energy, and well-being. Without these limits, we might end up saying "yes" to everything - extra work, late-night emails, or meetings we don't need to be in. This can make us really tired and stressed out.

When we have good limits, we can:

  • Manage our work better

  • Focus and prioritise on what's important

  • Have time to rest and do things we enjoy

  • Feel centred, balanced and calm

Setting limits isn't about being difficult. It's about taking care of ourselves and being our best versions!

When to Say Yes

  • Chances to Learn: If your boss asks you to try something new, that is outside your comfort zone and could teach you useful skills, it might be good to say yes.

  • Helping Your Team: When a coworker needs help and you have some extra time, helping out can build good relationships and enhance team work.

  • Part of Your Job: If a request lands in your inbox that fits well and aligns with the requirements of your role, it makes sense to say yes.

  • You Have Time: If you're asked to join in on something (like a committee) and you know you have enough time to do it well, go for it.

How to Say No

  • Be Clear: It's okay to say something like, "I'm sorry, but I can't take on more work right now." especially if you are swamped with work during pearl periods (like end of month/quarter..)

  • Suggest Other Ideas or alternatives: If you can't do something, maybe you can suggest another way to get it done. “Can we reschedule this to early next week?”

  • Explain Your Current Workload: Let people know what you're working on so they understand why you can't take on more.

  • Be Confident: It's okay to say no. You could say, "Thanks for thinking of me, but I need to focus on my current work and I have a deadline to meet”

  • Use Tools to Help: Set up your email and calendar to help manage your time better (switching on notifications on your calendar for focus time/Out-of-office/Mental health block)

Keeping Your Limits

  • Talk to your team about your workload

  • Define and communicate your ‘non-negotiables’

  • Make time for breaks

  • Check how you're doing and change your limits if you need to

  • Ask for help if you're struggling

Remember, having good limits at work helps everyone. It means we can do our best work without getting too stressed. It's good for us, and it's good for the company too. Setting limits might feel hard at first, but it gets easier with practice.

What do you find most challenging about setting workplace boundaries?

  • Saying No to Extra Work

  • Knowing When to Say Yes to Opportunities

  • Managing Expectations from Management

  • Balancing Work and Personal Life

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