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Creating a Warm 'Welcome Back Programme for Mothers'

(This blog has been written by a return-to-work mother)

Hello there, employers and new moms. Let's talk about something important - coming back to work after having a baby. It's a big change, isn't it? There's a mix of feelings - maybe some excitement, maybe some worry too. That's totally normal.

For those leaders who want to create a supportive environment for women transitioning back to the workforce - we want to do more than just say "welcome back." We want to show our returning moms that we care and we're here to help. So, let's look at some down-to-earth ways we can make this transition easier for everyone and design an inclusive "Welcome Back Programme for Mothers"

Working Mother

What your organisation can do to welcome back programme for mothers:

  • A Warm Welcome

Nothing fancy needed here - just some genuine kindness. Maybe a nice note from the team and a few small comforts for their desk. It's about making them feel at home again.

  • Flexible Work Options

Every family's different, right? So offering some flexibility in hours or work location can be a big help. It shows we understand their world has changed.

  • Buddy System

Remember how nice it was to have a friend on your first day of school? Same idea here. Pairing returning moms with colleagues who've been there can provide some much-needed relief from constant anxiety of raising a child.

  • Helping with Upskilling

Being away for a while can make anyone feel a bit rusty. Offering some training or workshops can help boost confidence and keep skills sharp.

  • Parent Groups

Sometimes it's just nice to talk to others who get it. A group for parents at work can be a great place to share experiences and advice.

  • Childcare Help

Figuring out childcare is often a big worry. If we can help with that - maybe through onsite care or partnerships with local daycares or setting up creches in offices with a nanny/help - can take a load off their minds.

  • Well-being Support

Coming back to work can be emotional. Having some mental health resources available or therapists on-call shows we care about the whole person, not just the employee.

  • Keep Talking

Open, honest chats are so important. Regular check-ins can help spot any bumps in the road early on.

The main thing is, we're all in this together. By creating a workplace that really gets it, we can help our returning moms feel valued and ready to jump back in. It doesn't have to be perfect - we're all learning as we go. But with a little thought and care, we can make this transition smoother for everyone.

Here's to making our workplaces a bit more understanding, one small step at a time. After all, happy parents often make for happy employees!

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