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Healthy Eating During the Festive Season

The festive season is a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends, and food often plays a big part in these gatherings. It's easy to get carried away with all those yummy treats - laddus, barfi’s, gulab jamun, sandesh, puris, halwa’s...but with a few simple, fun, practical tips we can enjoy the festivities without going overboard and also feel healthy about our eating. 

  • Everything in moderation

    It's okay to enjoy your favourite holiday foods. Instead of completely avoiding them, try having smaller portions. This way, you can taste everything without feeling stuffed or guilty!

    Fun tip: Use smaller plates! It's a simple trick that can help control portion sizes without feeling deprived.

  • Fill up on the good stuff first

    Try to eat some vegetables, fruits or a light salad before digging into the richer dishes. This can help you feel fuller and less likely to overeat the heavier foods.

    Fun idea: Create a colourful vegetable platter in the shape of a festive symbol - Diya, Christmas tree, snowflake, bells etc. this can make eating veggies more festive and appealing.

  • Stay hydrated

    We often mistake thirst for hunger. Keep a bottle of water nearby and sip it regularly. This can help you feel more satisfied and less tempted to snack constantly. Try to reach that 2 litre goal - it’ll also help you to get that glowing skin for the festive season!

    Fun hydration: Infuse your water with holiday flavours! Try adding orange, mosambi, mint leaves or apple slices to your water jug - it can be your go-to holiday mocktail. 

  • Don't skip meals

    It might seem like a good idea to skip breakfast or lunch to "save room" for a big holiday dinner, but this often backfires. You'll likely end up overeating later or feel acidic/gaseous. Try to stick to your regular meal times.

    Breakfast idea: Fruits in a bowl! - Add a good mix of fibrous fruits - apple, banana, guava, pear along with a little yoghurt and oats - it’ll be a powerhouse meal!

  • Be mindful

    Eat slowly and really enjoy each bite. Pay attention to the flavours and textures. This can help you feel more satisfied with less food.

    Eating game: Play "Guess the Ingredient" with your family. Take turns closing your eyes and trying to identify all the flavours in a dish. It's fun, promotes slower eating, and might even give the cook some well-deserved compliments!

  • Move your body 

    Try to stay active during the festive season. A short walk after a big meal, or help with some household chores  can improve digestion and make you feel better.

    Fun idea: Start a new festive tradition! Maybe it's a post-dinner dance party, a family cricket match, or a treasure around the neighbourhood to look at holiday decorations.

  • Bring a healthy dish to share

    If you are celebrating a family reunion and have a potluck planned, make a dish that's on the healthier side. This ensures you'll have at least one nutritious option to enjoy.

    Recipe idea: Try cooking - dry-fruit jaggery laddu, suji halwa? It's festive, delicious, and packed with nutrients.

  • Practise the "three-bite rule"

    For desserts and rich dishes, try the three-bite rule. Take three small bites, savouring each one fully. Often, this is enough to satisfy a craving without going overboard.

    Make it fun: Turn it into a tasting game. Everyone gets to try a little bit of everything, rating each dish as you go. It's like being food critics at your own holiday feast!

Remember, the goal is to enjoy the season, not to stress about every bite. With these few fun tips - you can savour the holiday treats while still being healthy. Happy, healthy holidays to you and yours!

Looking for tips on managing finances during the festive season? check out our blog.


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