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Case study: leadership development

6 Feb 2024

A specially crafted leadership development program to train the heads of departments of a manufacturing company.


The client, a leading manufacturer of the country, wanted to train their heads of departments on leadership skills. We worked with the client to determine the specific challenges and then crafted a leadership development program based on their needs.


The top 3 objectives of the leadership development program were:

1. Develop strong leadership capabilities in the department heads.

2. Introduce consistency in the leadership methodology of the organisation.

3. Provide tools and templates to develop strong leaders.

All this leads to improved effectiveness and productivity across the organisation.

The content, designed specifically for the client, covered areas such as:- Emotional Intelligence- Situational Leadership- Conducting one-on-ones- Giving and receiving feedback- Accountability and ownership of work- Continuous learning in leaders


And our client had this to say: “Unlock More studies the current skill set of the participants and provides customised trainings based on the working and needs of an organisation to help them become effective and efficient.”


Research consistently shows that organisations that invest in leadership development initiatives benefit from improved business outcomes. A study conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) found that organisations with a stronger leadership development program outperformed their competitors in revenue growth. Another study by the Harvard Business Review revealed that organisations that prioritise leadership development have higher employee engagement, better talent acquisition and retention, and increased innovation. 


In case you are interested in creating a leadership development program for your organisation get in touch with us at 

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