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Are your goals truly SMART?

20 Feb 2024

Every organisation prides itself on goal setting. Have you ever paused to wonder whether the goals you set are truly SMART? 


Just a reminder, SMART goals are: 

Specific: Clearly define your goal. What exactly do you want to achieve?

Measurable: Establish measurable criteria to track your progress. How will you know when you have achieved your goal? 

Achievable: Assess the feasibility of your goal. Is it within your capabilities?

Relevant: Align your goals with your long-term objectives. How does this goal contribute to your overall organisation growth? 

Time-bound: Set a deadline for accomplishing your goal. When do you want to achieve this? 

Remember that your goals must be challenging, but not impossible to achieve.

Do a quick review of your organisation and individual goals to see if they meet all 5 criteria listed above. If not, tweak them to make them SMART. SMART goals are a great way to set your organisation and yourself up for success. 


Once you know what it is you wish to achieve and by when, you will create plans and activities that help you get there. 


By the way, we have a blog on this topic with real-world examples that will help you and your team get better at SMART goal setting.

Read the whole blog here.

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