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Financial Services

Our solutions specially crafted for the requirements of the financial services industry.

Unsure of where to start? Take the organisation self-assessment to see where you stand.

Financial Report

Popular workshops for the financial services industry

Technology adoption for the financial services industry

Work and project management tools.


Improved data management and analysis.


Automated workflows and approval systems.


Transparent progress reporting.


CRM and lead management.


Organisation, team and individual goal tracking.


Process improvement for the financial services industry


Vision, values, culture and principles of operating.


Performance management and talent management.


Technology selection and adoption.


End-to-end customer feedback process.


Transparent and proactive reporting.


Recruitment and interview support.

What makes us different

We take the time to understand your specific context and challenges and then craft solutions that solve for those.


Real world problems

Our focus is on solving real problems that matter to you, so we take the time to understand your pain points before suggesting any solutions.


Continuous learning

Our focus is on creating a continuous learning process, so our training includes concepts, their application and progress reviews to ensure ongoing improvement.



Our focus is on helping you take action, so at the end of our workshops, you and your team will leave with actionable insights, templates and working principles.


"The workshop was a visible changing point in our team dynamics! The greatest discovery was to find out where we were as a team in our growth curve. This gave us a language to communicate between us.

It has also empowered each member to boldly say that they did not know how to do a particular job and ask for help. I would strongly recommend this workshop to all."

Dr. Brainerd Prince

Director, Center for Thinking, Language and Communication

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are the workshops in-person or online?
    We recommend in-person workshops as the learning experience is more enhanced. With in-person workshops, the interaction between participants and the facilitator is much better. In addition, peer learning is best when the workshop is in-person. If, however, you require training in multiple locations and for much larger teams, we do conduct online workshops as well.
  • What is the recommended size of the cohort?
    Training is best when participants can learn from the facilitator and from each other. We recommend a group size of no more than 20 and no less than 5 for the best learning experience.
  • Where can we see samples of the work done?
    You can have a look at some of the samples of the work we have done for our clients.
  • What is the price of a workshop?
    Our workshops are crafted specifically for your organisation and industry context. Given our collaborative approach to solving your real challenges, we provide pricing information only after you are happy with the approach and structure of the proposed workshops. Get in touch with us to understand how we can help your organisation.
  • What is the structure of the workshops?
    Each workshop is specifically crafted for your organisation. Our flexible approach ensures that we create the right workshop structure to match your requirement. Our workshops have the perfect blend of theory/knowledge, examples, activities, role-playing, peer learning facilitation and much more.

Talk to us

+91 9815137673

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